Kumaré Hollywood Movie

Director: Vikram Gandhi
Subjects: Vikram Gandhi, Purva Bedi,Kristen Calgaro
Distributor: Kino Lorber Films

This documentary may prove controversial for some audiences. The filmmaker investigates people’s willingness to follow a spiritual leader by creating a persona as a wise Indian Guru and builds a following in Arizona. “This was a movie or character we’ve been playing with for years,” producer Brendan Colt Hurst said. “It seemed like a crazy idea, but then we decided to do a test shoot in New Jersey and people connected with the character.” After a series of treatments, the project found two “Angel Investors”. They also reached out to Dana O’Keefe of Cinetic Media who gave it a further push. “He was a great ally for the project,” Colt Hurst noted. “Legally we knew we had to be very careful. Our lawyer said two things not to do: ‘Don’t sleep with anyone and don’t take anyone’s money’.”

With that advice in mind, the crew headed to Arizona. “It’s a place where nobody really knew us and a place that represented America, but at the same time open to new ideas,” said Colthurst. “It’s a Republican place, but at the same time it has [spiritually unique] towns like Sedona.” The crew set up a spiritual retreat outside Phoenix and filmed for three and a half months, building a small following. The project headed back to New York for a time but then returned to Arizona for what became the climax of the film. Kumaré opened at IFC Center in New York Wednesday and it will be followed by other cities through July including Los Angeles toward the end of the month.

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